Last week I shared a quote - just one of many that I love by the very wise Yung Pueblo - that said:
True power is living the realization that you are your own healer, hero and leader.
It was a message I really needed - a loving nudge to reclaim the power within and take charge again of what is within my control.
While this is the truth, I know for me (and maybe you too) I am much better able to step-up and be the healer, hero and leader for myself when I know how, and have an idea of what’s required of me in response to whatever I may be struggling with. That’s when I seek the guidance and wisdom from life’s trusted role models and revered teachers to help light the way.
Yung Pueblo is one of those trusted teachers whose words and work on transformation I admire, cherish and rely on to help shift me from a mindset of stuckness and uncertainty to one of openness and empowerment.
But wait…there are more! My bookshelf is brimming with stories from the edge and enlightening suggestions on how to go beyond the safe but unsatisfying familiar, the difficult and the downright scary. I won’t try and list them all here, but I will give you my top ten books - the absolute favourites that have helped me to see not only that transformation is possible, but that it is necessary if we are to become the fullest expression of who we are and experience the freedom, joy and love we deserve.
Each of these authors/teachers have shown themselves to be their own healer, hero and leader, and by so doing, show us that we are all capable and responsible for reclaiming this power within - this true power - and living it daily.
I know I have written my own book of so-called wisdom (it’s up there on the top shelf on the right) - a collection of the learnings I have gained throughout my journey with chronic pain and the many losses and frustrations associated with it, along with the common issues that plague all humans.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t have my share of struggles. The waves will come remember! And I do draw from my own reservoir of accumulated wisdom, and have so many times returned to Find Your Way to get the reboot I’ve needed this past 18 months. But I believe the learning never stops, so I also look to the many sages who have come before me and those who I would love to call my esteemed colleagues, to shed new light on the path. (Or should I say, look to them for surfing lessons so that when the big waves come I can ride them with grace and courage.)
So this list is part tribute, part gratitude and part suggested reading - for anyone who wants to BE their own HEALER, HERO and LEADER. And if you’re not a reader you can always find them on social media or search out their work on the web.
From the top down, and all equally highly valued:
Inward by Yung Pueblo.
When the body says no by Gabor Mate.
You can heal your life by Louise L Hay.
The power of now by Eckhart Tolle.
The untethered soul by Michael A Singer.
Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers.
A return to love by Marianne Williamson.
Broken Open by Elizabeth Lesser.
Untamed by Glennon Doyle.
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown.
As you’ll see, some are old and some are new. Some are memoir style, others tell it as it could be - and needs to be if we are to transform our situations and our minds and live with true power. And some are hybrids sharing anecdotes and answers to assist us on our way.
ALL have been and are still shining a light on the power within and potential we can all realise when we face our path with honesty and a willingness to change. And to each author, I say a huge and heartfelt thank you - for their courage, their compassion, their vision, their commitment to making the world a better place and for sharing their journey so that we can each benefit and walk on with a renewed sense of self-belief and belief in what is possible.
BUT…if I had to choose just ONE to take to a deserted island, it would be Broken Open by Elizabeth Lesser. The first time I read this book I devoured it in full and felt myself change the way I viewed myself, my choices and the nature of life. The second time was a few years later and again it was just what I needed - potent reminders and pointers on how to let ourselves be broken open by life’s challenges rather than broken down by them. Since then I have returned to certain chapters that really speak to what I am going through at the time and it always provides me with the shift I need. She is wise, she is compassionate, she is a true hero, healer and leader with a beautiful writing style, and in my mind and heart, she is the queen of personal growth and transformation.
I'm adding Find Your Way to that list.